Kiser on Abdelkader

Abdelkader: Biography and Spirituality

A Role Model for Our Time: A Ruler Who Embodied All That Is Good in Religion (pdf)
ISNA Horizons Magazine — January/February 2024
2 pages

A Muslim Healer for Our Time
Fikra Forum — 2017
2 pages

Emir Abdelkader al-Jazairy: A Hero for Humanity, 1808–1883
WISE Report — 2016
Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality
4 pages

A Three Front War: Heaven Is the Battleground (Why Abdelkader Is Important) — 2016
10 pages

Abdelkader’s jihad of compassion and courage
Rappahannock News — 2015

Jihadist Doesn’t Equal Psychopath
USA Today — 2013
2 pages

Emir Abdelkader al Jazairy — A Role Model for Our Times (pdf)
University of Lyon — 2013
7 pages

Lessons from an Arab Warrior
Fetzer Foundation — 2012
11 pages

French translation of Lessons from an Arab Warrior
Fetzer Foundation — 2012

Abdelkader and the Massacre of Damascus
by Rany on the Royals — 2010

A Jihadist Worth Emulating
Washington Post, by John Kiser and Michael Owens — 2009

An Algerian Microcosm: Monks, Muslims, and the Zeal of Bitterness (pdf)
Cistercian Studies Quarterly — 2003

Abdelkader: Military and Strategy

A Three Front War — Heaven is the battleground (why Algeria is important) (pdf)
Marine Corps Gazette — 2017
5 pages

Iraq, Amundsen, and the Zouaves (pdf)
Marine Corps Gazette — 2007
4 pages

From Algeria to Iraq
Marine Corps Gazette — 2006
5 pages